Menupack® Brand
The company Menubox s.r.o. brings its own range of Menupack machines and packaging material. We place emphasis mainly on quality, functionality, design, guarantees, but also on ecology. Our corporate philosophy is to produce high quality machines from the highest quality materials and components. For entrepreneurs in the field of gastronomy and food industry, we guarantee not only higher efficiency in work and packaging, but also differentiation and underlining the exceptionality of their businesses in front of clients. Our e-shop offers every entrepreneur a purchase under more favorable conditions. Part of our service to clients is the processing of inquiries or orders in the entire width. From product range recommendation, consultation, calculation processing, to delivery of the goods to the destination. Our basic rule is a special approach and the search for tailor-made solutions.
Menupack na gastrovýstave SIAL PARIS 2022
V Paríži sa v dňoch 15.- 19. októbra konal Svetový veľtrh potravinárstva (Salon international de l’alimentation, SIAL). Podujatie sa prvýkrát konalo v […]
Pozor! XPS obaly nespadajú do výnimky o zákaze plastových obalov!
Treba si dať pozor na mylný názor, že XPS (extrudovaný polystyrén) menuboxy sú vylúčené z koncoročného zákazu polystyrénových obalov ako je EPS […]
Menupack na gastrovýstave Fachpack 2021 v Norinbergu
21.10.2021 sme sa zúčastnili v Norimbergu veľtrhu, zameraného na obalový priemysel Fachpack 2021. Vystavovali sme naše stroje a novinky v národnom stánku […]